Exciting New Partnership! 

Shea Butter Market (SBM Canada) is proud and excited to be partnering with Shea Butter Market-Ghana (SBM GH).

A project three years in the making is now a reality! 

Shea Butter Market (Ghana) will work with women's collectives in Ghana to supply us with the raw ingredients needed for the creation of our handcrafted products. 

Our plan and goal for the near future, is to teach the team at Shea Butter Market (Ghana) to manufacture our products for the Ghanaian Market!

There has long been great interest in the Ghanaian market for our handcrafted products, but has not been proven to be cost effective for us to produce in Canada, and ship our products for sale in the Ghana retail market.

We have taken a bold and decisive step to honour our environmental and sustainability goals, and will work diligently with the team in Ghana to create value added products on the ground in Ghana.

~Stay tuned for updates on our exciting new partnership!